Your Dashboard - My Day / Bulletins / Notifications

Begin to learn the basics of using your Prospr Mobile App, starting from your Dashboard!


My Day

When you open your Prospr Mobile App, you'll first see "My Day." If you have any upcoming shifts in the next week, you'll see them first in the "Upcoming Shifts" at the top of your screen. You'll see all shift details, and any shift notes your manager has left for you about your shift!


Scrolling down on "My Day" you'll be able to see the weather based on your location, and a Travel Time feature that will tell you what time to head out from home to get to work on time. Tap on the car, bus (public transit), or person (walking) to change how you'll be getting work. Tap on the "Leave By" time to see a Google Maps route to work.



On your Dashboard, tap on the "Rocket Ship" icon in your bottom right corner to see your Bulletins. These are the big announcements for what's going on in your Workspace! Whenever a new Bulletin has been shared with you and the team, you'll receive a notification from Prospr.



Tap on the "Bell" icon in the top right corner to see your most recent Prospr notifications of what's new. If there are new notifications, there will be a red circle on the bell! You'll be able to see any shift changes, shifts becoming available for pickup, Ticket updates, Bulletins + Resources, and more!


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