Using the Master View

The Master View on Prospr can be used to see who is working, and where, across all of your Locations!

Using the Master View on the Web App

1) On the Prospr Web App, use the menu on the left to select "Scheduling" --> "Master View." You will now see an overview of all shifts occurring on the date selected above. You can click above to change both the month and the date that you are viewing!

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2) On the left, click on a Location or Team name to filter your results. In the example below, I selected the Midtown Location and Clean Team. 

Prospr Pro Tip: If you want to view the shifts for a specific Team at a Location, be sure to filter by the Location first!

Screen Shot 2021-12-14 at 1.31.46 PM

For Admins/Managers:

3) Users that have clocked in for the day will appear green in the master view. To see the time that a user clocked in and clocked out, click on the "Clock" icon to the right of the shift.

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4) You can also edit and delete shifts in the Master View! While hovering over a shift, click on the three dots that appear on the right hand side. Then, click "Edit." You will be able to update Team, Room, and shift start and end time!

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5) If your Workspace is using Shift Notifications, users will appear in yellow if they have received their notification, but have yet to confirm. Clicking on the "Bell" icon next to their shift will show when the first notification was received, and give you the option to confirm the shift for them!

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If the user still has not confirmed their shift after the second notification, the shift will be shown in red.

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Using the Master View on the Mobile App

1) On the Prospr Mobile App, open your menu and select "Master View."

2) You will now see an overview of all published shifts happening that day. At the top of your screen, tap on the date to change the day that you are viewing. Click on the "Filter" circle in the top right to filter by Location and Team.


3) Tap into the Locations and Teams areas to select and filter. Tap the X next to a Selected Location/Team to remove it. Or, tap "Reset All" to empty all filters. Then click "Apply!"


For Admins/Managers:

4) Users that have clocked in for their shift will have a checkmark on their profile icon. Tap on their name to see their clock in and out times!


5) If your Workspace is using Shift Notifications, it will appear similarly to how it does on the Web App. Users who have received a first notification but haven't confirmed will be highlighted yellow. Users who have received a second notification but haven't confirmed will be red.


Tap their shift to see the notification times, confirm the shift on behalf of the user, or call them directly to make sure they are coming in to work!


Suggested Articles:

  • How to Add a Shift from the Mobile App
  • How to See Who You're Working With