Uploading Your Schedule

Once you've created your Bulk Upload Schedule, it's time to put it into Prospr!

1) In the Prospr Web App, head to "Scheduling" --> "Planner."

2) Open your Scheduling Toolbox, which is the circular "Magic Wand" icon on the right side of your screen.

3) Scroll down and click on "Upload Schedule" under Bulk Upload.

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4) A new menu will appear. Drag and drop, or click to select the Schedule file you've just created.

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5) If there are errors in your submission, you will receive a summary of which columns/rows need to be addressed. You can also download a summary of all errors. In the below example, my employee ID is incorrect.

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6) Once you have addressed all errors, click the "Start Over" button in the lower left to try again.

7) When your file is correct click "Create Shifts!"

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8) You will then receive a final summary of all created shifts. In the example below, there is one conflict with a team member who already had an assigned shift.

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9) You're done! You've successfully uploaded shifts through the Bulk Upload option in Prospr!

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  • Editing New Users - The Details Tab
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