Unassigning Team Members from Shifts

Learn how to unassign a single user from a shift, and how to unassign all users from an entire schedule.

Unassign in Gantt View

1) While in Gantt View, locate the shift you wish to unassign from a user.

2) On the left-hand side of their shift, click on their profile picture or name.

3) In the dropdown menu that appears, click on "Unassign."

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4) That's it! You've unassigned this user from the shift, which will become unassigned (grey) and available for another user.

Prospr Pro Tip: You can unassign a user from both a published and unpublished shift. Unassigning a user from a published shift will send them a notification that the shift has been removed from their schedule.


Unassign in Grid View

1) While in the Grid View, locate the shift you wish to Unassign.

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2) Click and drag the shift down to "Unassigned Shifts." Or, click and drag the shift to another user.

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3) That's it! You've unassigned this user from their shift.


Unassign All Users from their Shifts

1) While in the Planner, click on the "Magic Wand" icon on the far right of your screen to open the Toolbox.

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2) At the bottom of the Toolbox, click "Clear" to unassign all shifts for the selected date range.

3) Confirm the range on the popup, and then click "Yes, Clear Schedule."

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4) All assigned team members will be removed from their shifts!


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  • How to Publish Your Schedule (Individual Shifts + Complete)
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