Scheduling by Seniority

In this article, we'll cover how to create schedules using a team member's hire date or seniority rank!

As a schedule-maker on Prospr, there are several options for how Prospr can assist in recommending team members for a shift. You may also want to prefer certain users over others when assigning shifts. Let's cover how to set up your Workspace to schedule by seniority, and what it will look like!

1) On the Prospr Web App, make sure your Recommendations Settings have "Choose by Seniority" selected. You can choose whether seniority is determined by a user's Hire Date, or by an Assigned Rank in their user profile. You can find these settings in the Scheduling Planner.

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2) Update your team member's Details tab in their profiles. Head to "Settings" --> "Users", and open a team member's profile. In the Details tab, you will see fields to enter both a Hire Date or an Assigned Rank seniority number.

Important: If you are using Seniority numbers, remember that a lower number indicates a higher rank. For example, Phil below is a rank 1, so we'll prefer him for shifts over a rank 2 or 3.

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3) Once you've updated your team profiles, you can start scheduling! As you begin assigning shifts, you will now receive popups that show if there is someone with a higher ranking available for a shift.

Click on the red warning icon under Seniority to see a list of other available team members with higher ranks. This works for both Hire Date and Assigned Rank.

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4) If you wish to proceed with your choice of team member, click "Assign Anyway." Or, hover your mouse over another user and click on the "Assign" button that appears to the right.

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5) And that's it! You can now schedule your team members by an assigned Seniority.


Suggested Articles:

  • Setting Scheduling Recommendations Rules
  • Editing New Users - The Details Tab
  • Assigning Team Members to Shifts