The Grid and Gantt Views

In this article, we'll introduce you to the two different views that you can build your schedules in!

To begin building out your schedule in Prospr, head to the web app and use your menu to select the Scheduling Planner. Using the two buttons in the top center of your screen, you'll be able to switch between our two different scheduling views. 

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In the image above, the Gantt view is the button with four lines. The Grid view button is the 2x2 table.

In this article, we'll briefly cover the benefits of each view. For a more in-depth review of the tools and filters in each, check out our Suggested Articles at the bottom.

Prospr Scheduling - The Gantt View

The Gantt view can be seen below. This view puts the dates on the left and time of day across the top. Your team members are listed directly on the shifts (the blue ovals below).

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The Gantt view is great for viewing your full schedule at a glance, making it easy to visualize any gaps. The other pros of working in Gantt view are:

  • Viewing up to 60 days at a time
  • Easier cloning of a team schedule
  • See the entire scheduled team for a given date at a glance


Prospr Scheduling - The Grid View

The Grid view can be seen below. This view puts the dates across the top, with individual team members listed down the left-hand side. Shift information like time, team, and room are listed directly on the shift (the blue rectangles).

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The Grid view is great if you prefer to schedule by the individual team member rather than by time slot. It's also fantastic for viewing schedules by individual team members as well. The other pros of working in Grid view are:

  • Easily see a team member's hours and pay for a selected date range
  • Easier to input individual shifts
  • Ability to see a team member's availability before trying to assign them a shift

One limitation of the Grid view is that you can work on 14 days at a time. This is important to keep in mind if you are trying to clone a schedule, or publish, as these actions will only impact the date range selected in Prospr.

Now that you've been introduced to these two views, check out our Suggested Articles below to learn more about the tools in each one!

Suggested Articles:

  • Intro to Scheduling - The Grid View In-Depth
  • Intro to Scheduling - The Gantt View In-Depth
  • Intro to Scheduling - Your Toolbox
  • How to Build a Template
  • Inputting Single Shifts - Grid + Gantt Views
  • Assigning Team Members to Shifts
  • Unassigning Team Members from Shifts