How to Update a Ticket Status

Once Tickets start rolling in, you'll need to update their progress from Open to In Progress to Closed.

Updating Ticket Status on the Web App

1) While viewing Tickets, use the search bar or the Ticket menu options to locate the Ticket you need to update.

2) Once you have the correct Ticket pulled up, use the progress bar across the top of your ticket screen with options of Open, In Progress, or Closed.

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Prospr Pro Tip: Updating the status of a Ticket sends a notification to all users that have access to your Ticket. This includes Admins, Location Managers, Assignees, and Ticket Followers.


Updating Ticket Status on the Mobile App

1) While in the Tickets sections of your mobile app, use the search bar or the Ticket menu options above to locate the Ticket you need to update. In this example, we are going to update the "Need More Clorox Wipes" Ticket.


2) Once you can see the Ticket you're searching for, tap the Ticket to open it.

3) While viewing the Ticket details, tap above on Open, In Progress, or Closed to update the status of your Ticket.


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