Cloning an Individual Shift

Learn how to quickly clone a shift forward through the rest of your schedule!

Whether you are in the Gantt view or the Grid view of the Scheduling Planner, the process of cloning an individual shift is the same. Here are a few important tips when it comes to cloning a shift.

Prospr Pro Tips:

  • Cloning only moves forward in time. For example, if you are working on a December schedule and clone starting on the 15th, the shift will copy through the rest of the month. It will NOT clone on December 1st - 14th.
  • Cloning will only impact your selected date range in the Planner. If you need to clone through a long period of time, we recommend the Gantt view. This view can clone forward through 60 days.

1) While in the Scheduling Planner, hover your mouse over the shift you want to clone. (In our example below we will use the Gantt view, but the process is the same in Grid view)

2) Click on the three dots that appear on the right side of the shift.

3) Click "Clone."

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4) Repeat Shift Every: Click the boxes to select which days to copy this shift onto. In the example below, Phil's 9-5  Front Desk shift would be copied onto every upcoming Wednesday in the selected date range.

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5) "What Should We Do With (Team Member)":

  • Only Assign to Open, Existing Shifts - If there are upcoming shifts that match the criteria of team AND time of the shift, Prospr will assign the user to those open shifts. Prospr will not create additional, blank shifts.
  • If Possible, Assign to Existing Shifts - If there are upcoming shifts that match the criteria of team AND time of the shift, Prospr will assign the user to those open shifts. In the example above, if there is a Wednesday that does not have a 9-5 Front Desk shift for Phil to fill, Prospr will create a new one.
  • Always Create New Shifts - Prospr will create brand new shifts while cloning. If there are existing shifts that match the team and time criteria, they will not be filled by the team member.

6) Click "Apply". In our example, now Phil's shift has been copied onto every Wednesday for December!

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Important: You can also clone unassigned shifts as well. While cloning unassigned, you will only see the option for which days to copy the shift to.

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Suggested Articles:

  • How to Clone Your Schedule
  • How to Publish Your Schedule (Individual Shifts + Complete)
  • How to Unpublish Your Schedule